Marketing Your Marketplace

GTM Strategies for the Marketplace

It’s been said “if you build it they will come.” But today, this mantra is simply outdated. A successful go-to-market strategy for your marketplace requires far more strategic planning involving the whole business to gain cross-departmental alignment.

In this webinar, Slalom Consulting’s Amy Klein Da Costa joins us to discuss go-to-market strategies for launching a marketplace. She also takes a deep dive into why the “build it and they will come” approach is no longer effective. Apply strategies and lessons learned to position your marketplace so that it expands your reach and opens up profitable revenue streams.

You’ll learn:

  • What GTM means for different roles in your organization

  • Steps to follow for your end-to-end GTM strategy

  • Critical components to consider when creating your marketplace GTM strategy

You’ll leave with an actionable checklist ready to be applied right now in different departments across your organization.

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