Marketplace Software

Marketplace software is a technology solution needed to launch and manage an application marketplace. Marketplace software can offer a range of features. These include frontend capabilities—such as customizable branding, search tools, and a recommendation engine—and backend functionality including billing, identity and access management, product provisioning and management tools, and more.

Marketplace software can be a part of a larger marketplace platform, or it can be a standalone solution. It can be also deployed in a variety of ways, but cloud-based marketplace software offers the most flexibility and is the most cost-effective option.

Finding the Right Marketplace Platform Provider

Learn about the 6 key questions that companies should ask as they evaluate marketplace platform providers including: Will the platform integrate with legacy technology?Does the platform offer billing that is purpose-built for digital marketplaces?Does the provider offer a catalog of leading applications?
Finding the right marketplace provider platform

The Benefits of Partnering to Launch a Marketplace Platform

The question of whether to build a solution in house or purchase a solution remains one of the toughest. To learn more about the "build versus buy" decision platforms, AppDirect commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study on AppMarket, its marketplace solution.
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